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Sheffield Band 5 Post Preceptorship Leadership Programme

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Message from Professor Gemma Stacey – Director of Academy

Please accept our very warm welcome to your Florence Nightingale Leadership Programme. This document outlines all the key information you will need to make the most of this opportunity. It includes the learning outcomes for the overall programme and each individual session.


  • Demonstrate enhanced awareness of how personality preferences influence personal effectiveness and performance in teams
  • Identify and critically appraise opportunities to influence through personal and collective authority
  • Develop strategies to express self in a manner which communicates presence, enables influence and has impact
  • Explore personal resilience and develop tools for staying effective under pressure

Prior to commencing the programme, please complete the FNF Leadership Pre-Impact Questionnaire. Please complete this action before your first session and give some thought to your key objectives and hopes for the programme.

We hope you find your journey a truly transformational experience and develop the foundations and networks to realise your leadership potential.