Module 1: Personality Preferences and Performance in Teams
Module 2: Fundamentals of Quality Improvement
Module 3: Presentation of Self - Presence and Impact
Module 4: Using your authority and Influencing change
Module 5: Co-consulting

Why can’t I access the lessons? and other Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why can’t I see the lessons?
You cannot see the lessons at this point because you need to log in to the programme. To log in, you must have first been accepted by FNF onto the programme. If you have been accepted, you will receive two emails at the start of the programme, a welcome email that will contain information about your username and a second that will take you through setting up a password.

Once you have set up a password, you can log in by selecting LOGIN TO ENROLL and entering your username and password.

Q: I’ve logged in, but I cannot see the videos
There are two reasons this could be happening:

  1. You are using an NHS machine that blocks videos. In 99% of all technical problems we receive, the number one solution is to use your own personal computer and wifi. The material in the online programmes requires the latest Java versions and browsers and the NHS firewall is renowned for blocking videos and interactive elements including quizzes
  2. The video requires a password. Some of the videos require a password to view and that password will be available directly above or below the video in question. Simply cut and paste the password into the password field.

Q: I cannot progress through the course
To progress through the course, you must do one of two things depending on the lesson. If the lesson does not contain a quiz, you must select “MARK COMPLETE” at the bottom to progress to the next lesson. If the lesson DOES contain a quiz, you must take the quiz and achieve a mark of 80% to move on.

Q: I cannot complete the quizzes
If you cannot select the submit button or if the quiz itself fails to load, again, this is a known issue with NHS computers. Even if you are using an NHS computer at home, you may still not be able to complete the quizzes. Please use a home computer or your smartphone in these cases.

Q: I have completed all the lessons, but I have not received my certificate
In order to receive your certificate, you must first complete the evaluation form on the last page. Once you have done that, a certificate will be sent to you automatically.

Q: I can’t find the times and dates for the webinars
The webinar schedule is within the first Introductory lesson. If you are on the first cohort, some of the webinars may be listed as “TBC”. This means they are still to be confirmed. Keep checking back to see when the webinars will take place. We will also email you when the relevant webinars have been scheduled. There is one webinar/module and if you cannot make the webinar, a recording of the session will be made available.

Q: I have another issue that has not been addressed above
If you are having another technical issue that has not been addressed, please email us at [email protected]. But please note, there are over 1000 users on this programme so it could be some time before we are able to answer your request. Before you email, please make sure you have read the above Frequently asked Questions and watched the Introduction video by Rob Cutforth (Senior Learning Technologist at FNF) that was sent to you in your welcome email as the vast majority of issues are addressed.

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