

  • FNF logo (png)
  • FNF logo – Welsh version (png)
  • FNF logo – Welsh version with dragon (png)
  • FNF Member Flyer (contact the comms team if you would like a flyer with your organisational logo included)
  • FNF Member video – 2min video featuring people from members organisations sharing why they are a member – good to include in Induction sessions etc (see below also)
  • FNF member slides (to insert into your own presentations) – coming soon
  • ‘About FNF’ copy for Intranet pages etc – coming soon
  • Slides from April 2023 Member communicator workshop (‘FNF membership: making the most of your benefits’ – recording of the same workshop below)

Click here to go back to the main ‘FNF member’ page