Allyship is a lifelong process of building and nurturing supportive relationships with under-represented, marginalised, or discriminated individuals or groups with the aim of advancing inclusion. It is through this process that we overcome our fears of engaging with Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity. Allyship is active, not passive. It requires frequent and consistent behaviours. It’s about lifting others and creating platforms for them so that their voices are heard. Our module is designed to provide key skills on how to be an ally and ensure our workplaces truly are inclusive.
As an organisation, FNF recognises the importance of allyship in the fight against racism, and it forms a key part of our anti-racist statement. We understand that we have a responsibility to stand in solidarity with diverse communities and to actively work towards dismantling systems of oppression.
Allyship is the key to creating inclusive workplaces. According to recent research, employees of organizations that foster strong allyship and inclusion cultures are 50% less likely to leave, 56% more likely to improve their performance, 75% less likely to take a sick day, and up to 167% more likely to recommend their organisations as great places to work (Harvard Business Review, 2023).
This online module takes approximately six hours to complete. You can pause it and come back to where you left off another day. Please complete the evaluation at the end, we welcome your feedback – and you will get a certificate.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding what it means to be an Ally.
- Understanding situations where you might need an Ally.
- Identifying the challenges and risks of becoming an Ally.
- The do’s and don’ts of becoming an Ally.
- How to become a proactive Ally moving from Bystander to Active.
- Being open to understanding your own Privileges and those of others.
- Exploring the Education needs in yourself to better be an Ally for others.

David Corbin
David Corbin, South West, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Workforce Race Equality Standard Manager
David Corbin is currently the South West, NHS England and NHS Improvement, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Workforce Race Equality Standard Manager.
David joined the NHS in October 2008 from Weymouth College where he held the post of Equality and Diversity Advisor for the previous two years. Prior to that, Dave had enjoyed a varied career with the Armed Forces culminating in a number of years as an Equality and Diversity Advisor at the Army School of Recruiting where Dave built a wealth of experience, knowledge around all aspects of Equality and Diversity within the workplace and community.
Since the very sad and public murder of George Floyd there has been an increased level of attention on Black Lives Matter (BLM) and a real social movement of people in communities, not just the black community, to do more to try and tackle social injustices. The everyday experiences of Black people have been the focus for many, and this has also led to many people wanting to become Allys but unsure where to start.
Dave states “I am still excited by the positive outcomes we can achieve for communities in the South West. Working with Staff networks and bringing Communities together is already bringing rewards for all concerned. My experience, drive and enthusiasm I bring to the work in equality, diversity inclusion, the support I am able to provide for those who struggle to be heard or access services has not changed. Equality is not just my responsibility it is everyone’s.”
Additional work roles include, Mental Health First Aider, Workplace Mediator and Freedom To Speak Up Guardian.
Dave is a committed supporter of Equality and Diversity across all ‘9 Protected Characteristics’ and firmly believes in ‘Fair Treatment’ for all.

Emma Symonds
NHS Somerset ICB, HR Transition and Inclusion Manager
Emma Symonds is a passionate and dedicated Inclusion Specialist working for the Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB) with a dynamic and innovative HR team. She is experienced in OD, L&D and Talent management.
Emma provides advice & guidance to managers and senior leaders in areas of Inclusion and Health & Wellbeing ensuring that staff experience is a high priority within the organisation.
Emma has led and collaborated on several innovative projects across the Somerset system including anti Bias/racism programmes in maternity, Inclusion Wellbeing advocates, Senior Leaders OD Cultural Awareness work and various other wellbeing projects.
She also works closely with the UK & Overseas recruitment & retention teams for nursing, midwifery, IMG and GPs to ensure that Inclusion is embedded at the early stages of each individual’s journey.
Emma is an advocate for LGBT and Disability rights, supporting and engaging with staff networks but also engaging with the local cultural community leaders in the Somerset. When Emma is not working or studying, she is often found in her garden, roller skating or in the forest with her family and two dogs.
Other Resources
- FNF anti-racist statement. This outlines why we have this statement, the importance of authenticity and allyship, what we have done so far and what we plan to do.
- Bystander to Ally webinar. This thought-provoking 1-hour webinar focuses on challenges faced by those wanting to become an Ally and explore some of the reasons people choose not to put themselves in that space. It includes personal stories from NHS leaders