ECNI-2.1 – Welcome

Welcome to Module 2 in the Early Career Nurses and Midwives Online Programme. This module consists of 6 sections and each section should take about an hour to complete.

What is this module all about?

An introduction to the principles of quality improvement and how they can support day-to-day practice for all staff, to help ensure safe reliable care and positive experience.

Intended Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this module you will:

  • Understand what is meant by Quality Improvement and how it applies to the individual working in health and care
  • Be familiar with the Model for Improvement and how it can be used
  • Have worked through an example to understand how quality improvement can be used in practice


Claire Henry MBE

Claire Henry MBE is a Registered Nurse, BSc(hons) PGDip. Visiting Fellow at the Open University and Visiting Researcher at the University of Cambridge Palliative and End of Life Care research group. She has worked predominately in Palliative and End of Life Care leading national implementation and quality improvement programmes and is committed to supporting health and care staff to use quality improvement to make a difference to patient and family care.

Claire is coach, mentor, facilitator, NLP Master Practitioner and an independent consultant in health and care with a passion and drive for problem solving.

Catherine Blackaby

Catherine Blackaby is an independent coach, facilitator and trainer with over 25 years’ experience of service redesign, organisational change, quality improvement and personal / organisational development in the health and care sector.

Catherine is a former Improvement Fellow with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and has worked on quality improvement programmes across primary, secondary, community and palliative care. Besides holding an MBA, she is an Advanced Practitioner in Managing Successful Programmes, an MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner and accredited Executive Coach, and has a particular interest in the human and cultural aspects of change.

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