ECNI-2.3 – Learning from Experience

A problem arises…

The Need for Improvement

Scott’s error made Elizabeth wonder how often this sort of error was happening on the ward but she did not know what to do next to create positive change in her workplace. Her first inclination was to jump on the problem immediately, but wondered if it might be a bigger issue that needed investigating properly.

How to get started

If like Elizabeth we have found something that we really want to improve, it can still be difficult to know how to get started. A really helpful approach is to use the Model for Improvement, a tool to help us systematically find and tackle problems so that we make the changes that will lead to improvement.

It is formed of three questions that we should ask ourselves before we start any change or improvement project, and a process for testing out our ideas called the PDSA cycle. This is designed to make our changes more successful, safe and manageable, by helping us to focus on the right things.

Click on each section of the image to find out more.

The Model for Quality Improvement

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